Spring is in the air...new growth abounds...
Let's take time now, as we prepare our garden, to reflect on all that has transpired in our lives. I am being guided to "take a pause" right now and go inward. So much has ended this past year and we are needing to take some time to grieve, process and heal in order to let go of what once was, as we prepare new ground for what we wish to co-create. There will not be a call this month so that I/we may be still and give an opportunity to heal and clear old beliefs, patterns and obstacles in order to make room for new seeds to be planted. I invite any of you, who might be feeling guided, to join me in deep inner reflection. Each of us incarnated to be here at this special time in our evolution. Let's be still and see what is wanting to be cleared and what is wanting to be birthed at this auspicious time. I will share more as I am guided. Wishing you all a most glorious Spring of new beginnings. Although I won't be doing a group call this month, I will still be doing one on one sessions, as so many of us are being asked to look at our very deep shadow. It would be an honor to bare witness to you and your journey as together we uncover our core woundings. Until we meet again... Sending you all so much love, Barbara P.S. If you know anyone (friends, family, colleagues) who are feeling challenged right now, or wish to join in community, please feel free to share this message.
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to the next monthly processing call: Sunday March 21, 2021 9am-11am pacific time
Welcome to a new format...of monthly processing calls... It will be an open call with more interactive discussion about what is most pressing for each of us. So much has changed. We have had a lot of time to contemplate and go inward during this period of isolation. Many have taken a side...believing our way is the right way. It has been so very challenging to have family members who may have stopped speaking to one another because they are on opposing sides of an issue. Life and love is so much more than right and wrong. We are all wanting/needing to be heard...how do we share with each other and come back together when our thoughts and beliefs are not the same? We will come together and create a loving and safe space where we can share our differences and learn to build bridges to connect with each other. We truly are more alike than we are different. We want the same things It is hard to imagine that one year has passed since the mandatory shutdown for this country and for the world. We are now "re-entering" into the outer world. What have we learned? Life is precious! We need each other even more than we knew. We do not operate in a vaccuum. Kindness and compassion are most key values. This is an opportunity for us to come together and co-create a new reality. Nostradumus and others including Native Americans predicted a Golden Age of 2,000 years of Peace. What would we wish this new reality to look like? Awakened Teacher Leslie Temple-Thurston said in her book Marriage of Spirit: "The new paradigm - (is) Unity in Diversity" Each of us is unique in our own way. There are no two people, snow flakes, plants or animals that are alike. We need to honor and respect each other's uniqueness. How do we celebrate our uniqueness rather than judge and criticize each other for being different? How do we unite while we celebrate our diversity? Have we become more tolerant or less, more patient, inclusive and accepting of ourselves and each other? As we reset and reevaluate our lives what are our wishes and desires as well as our doubts and fears? If we knew that our time on earth was almost over what would we want to say or do? One of the Spiritual principles is "our thoughts create our reality". We are so much more conscious than we have ever been. What do we want to co-create for this New World? Please join us for these monthly conversations where we can discuss our issues, challenges and insights. Where we can talk about our thoughts and visions... our hopes and desires as well as our fears. As Matt Kahn says: "Whatever arises, love that"! For those who wish to continue with the old squares format, please let me know . I would be happy to continue the monthly squares calls with any of you who are interested. And for those of you who would like to have a more in depth experience or wish to facilitate your own squares calls, please join me for a 4 week course in April, that will take you through this process step by step. We will start with learning how to move from the mind (our thoughts) into the body (our intuition) in order to uncover our unconscious beliefs, patterns and behaviors. We cannot change what we don't acknowledge. I will show you how to identify polarities, strengthen the Witness and bring polarized states of consciousness into balance. Whether you've tried doing squares on your own and not received the results you hoped for or you've wanted to learn but couldn't do it on your own or didn't know how to start, this course is for you! Please join us! How to Join the Teleconference Call on Sunday March 21st at 9am pacific time: To attend by phone:
If you are unable to join us on the call or would like to re-listen, the call will be recorded and will be available for download at the same link as the webcast link provided above. These calls are a love offering by donation. I look forward to being with you as we work together to heal ourselves and the world. There is so much we can accomplish when we come together. Love, Barbara P.S. If you know anyone (friends, family, colleagues) who are also feeling challenged right now, or wish to join in community, please feel free to share this message. Squares processing Call Sunday 2/21/21 9amPacificLove is in the Air!The month of February celebrates Valentine's Day...lots of planets in Aquarius now! With Hearts wide open, we enter into a new day...a new world. "And it's hard times in the middle, my love...hard times in the middle" written by Ryan Bingham It is almost a year ago that life as we once knew it came to a grinding halt. It has been an opportunity for Humanity to slow done and reassess our individual and collective consciousness and to "see" both sides of this great divide. We've looked at and perhaps have begun to reevaluate our priorities. Instead of rushing ahead of ourselves trying to cross off items on our ever growing "to do" list, we have needed to slow way down... It's time to stop and smell the roses...perfect for this Valentine's Day. The very first teaching I ever received from Awakened Teacher Leslie Temple-Thurston was to keep our hearts open no matter what we might be going through. When we are going through great loss and deep grief, we must FEEL our feelings without shutting down our hearts. If we try to shut down, deny or avoid our feelings, those feelings remain "stuck" in the unconscious with no way out! Unless and until we do "shadow" work in order to uncover and heal those frozen "stuck" places within us, we will not be able to keep our hearts open. Let's come together and explore some polarized states that need to be healed. Here are some choices for exploration: Desire/Fear to Love/Be loved Desire/Fear to Shut my heart down/keep my heart open Desire/Fear to feel my feelings /avoid feeling my feeling/be numb Desire/Fear to stay stuck/move on How to Join the Teleconference Call on Sunday February 21st at 9am pacific time: To attend by phone:
If you are unable to join us on the call or would like to re-listen, the call will be recorded and will be available for download at the same link as the webcast link provided above. These calls are a love offering by donation. I look forward to being with you as we work together to heal ourselves and the world. There is so much we can accomplish when we come together. Love, Barbara P.S. If you know anyone (friends, family, colleagues) who are also feeling challenged right now, please feel free to share this message. Please join us for the first, of ongoing monthly squares processing calls, on Sunday, the 24th of January from 9am-11am PST (call in details below) facilitated by Barbara Sawicki Are you at war with yourself? (and with others as well?) Let's take some time to "pause" and "listen" to those inner voices and what they are saying. Are they kind, gentle and loving? Or are they critical, judgemental and demeaning? Do they make you bad or wrong or bring up feelings of shame and worthlessness? Those voices are there for some good reason. They are letting us know that the war on the outside is mirroring the raging war on the inside. And Peace begins within! We are dealing with a history in the US, of Civil War, that appears to be circling back around for healing, a healing that did not occur back then. It was merely pushed down into the unconscious only to rear its' ugly head again and again. Just like then, we find ourselves fighting within our own families, sister/brother against sister/brother, mother against child, husband against wife etc. It would appear that we are even willing to kill each other over our differences. It is time now to honor and respect each other's differences and find ways to come together rather than be divided. We have generations of stuck, repetitive patterns, that keep us hypnotized by earlier generations. We agreed to incarnate during these times to break free from the long standing pain and suffering. It was not originally our pain, but when we came in, we agreed to take it on so that we could help transmute these limiting patterns and belief systems. Leslie Temple-Thurston's squares processing technique from her book Marriage of Spirit, helps us to uncover and identify those unconscious limiting patterns and beliefs that have kept us stuck in repetitive behavior, that hold us back, and make us feel small and not good enough and allows the inner war to rage on. Please join us for the first, of ongoing monthly squares processing calls, on Sunday, the 24th of January from 9am-11am PST facilitated by Barbara Sawicki Join FreeConference.com: Dial-in using your phone: United States: +1 712-832-8330 United States: +1 641-426-1600 Access code: 250 7332# This first square will be one of the following: War vs Peace Divided vs United Non-violent vs Violent These squares are meant to help us heal the war within, which will ultimately affect and change the war being mirrored on the outside. If you are feeling confused, overwhelmed or struggling with chaos, the squares processing technique will assist you in gaining clarity, calm and peace. Each month we will be dealing with current and relevant issues playing out in the world that are in need of healing. For those who are needing more assistance in learning the squares processing technique, I will also be offering small groups as well, where we can go more slowly and take more time to go into and understand this technique. We will start with a guided meditation and short discussion on the current square. Then we will take 10 to 15 minutes for each of the 4 sides of the square. We will then identify the Ascended and Descended States and close with an Offering Up Prayer. These calls are a love offering by donation. I look forward to being with you as we work together to heal ourselves and the world. There is so much we can accomplish when we come together. Love, Barbara P.S. If you know anyone (friends, family, colleagues) who are also feeling challenged right now, please feel free to share this message. AN INVITATION FOR HEALING
Finding peace and joy in this time of great uncertainty So much is happening on our planet! Fires burning, Racial Protests, Violence in the streets, and a Pandemic around the world. Our greatest fears are being triggered. I perceive this as a collective and a personal Dark Night of The Soul. How are you dealing with the chaos and fear? The Challenge of the Shadow/Dark Night of the Soul is that it triggers core wounding, frozen and embedded in the body of our unconscious. As we continue on the Path to open our Hearts in Love and Light we are flushing up so much shadow. It brings up many emotions like fear, panic, despair and overwhelm. The Gift of the Shadow/Dark Night of the Soul is that it surfaces painful emotions to be healed. We cannot change what we don't acknowledge. Please allow Spirit and me to guide you through this "Dark Night" by journeying into the unconscious together. We will create a safe and sacred space for those "frozen" parts of your core wounding to come forward for healing. We will lovingly return them to "the forever garden of your heart". please contact me @ [email protected] Recently I listened to a Spiritual Weather Report call with guest speaker Anna Breitenbach. Anna discussed the energy of the Coronavirus and what we might learn from it. You can listen to the recording here. (You can also attend a fundraiser for and with Anna this coming Saturday, 5/23 @ 9am pacific time here.) As Anna was sharing about the virus I had an "aha" moment as I became aware that, for the most part, human civilizaton has been the predator and has hunted and killed all other species (including it's own!) Now with the social isolation of humans, there have been reports of all kinds of wild animals making their presence known. Dolphins have been seen swimming in the canals of Venice. There have been sightings of many other wild animals showing themselves as they come out of hiding, as we humans have had to "hide out" at home. Now we humans have had to shift from predator to prey as we hunker down in our homes to try to keep ourselves "safe" from the Coronavirus. We are in fear for our own lives! We are facing our own death as well as the death of our loved ones and many hundreds of thousands of others who have already lost their lives. Finally, may we begin to realize that this is how most of the animal kingdom has had to live in order to survive. They have had to hide and remain invisible as their habitat has gotten smaller and smaller over the last century or so. Humans have reached a point where human game hunters have shot and killed so many of the "Big 5" in "canned hunts" so they can feel power over. There is no reverance or respect for life as long as these heartless behaviors continue. It is our turn to really reflect on our heartless arrogance and superior behavior and learn to have compassion for ALL living beings! We need to open our hearts in great compassion for the animals (and humans) we have "ruled" over. As we feel what it feels like to be "the prey" hiding from the Coronavirus, we are being asked to learn these lessons of polarized states of consciousness such as; life/death, survival/extinction, better than/less than, superior/inferior, and power over/over-powered, to name a few. We have treated those in the animal kingdom so inhumanely! (We treat each other inhumanely as well.) Life is so very precious and humans need to honor and respect the gift of life that we each have been given. The Gift of the Coronavirus is that it has given us the opportunity to STOP and reflect on where we have been and where we are going. Life, as we have known it, no longer exists or will not look like what we remember. And perhaps it is time to ask ourselves what is truly our heart's desire, as we contemplate birthing a "new earth"? What might we change or do differently now? How do we wish to be treated and how do we wish to treat others? When we contemplate life and death for the entire planet may we begin to see that all of life depends on our interconnection with each other. We all need each other! What would each of us choose to manifest as we begin to vision a new Heaven on Earth reality? We are powerful manifestors and it is time now to take responsibility for all of our thoughts and actions in a very conscious way. Let's come together in unconditional love and co-create a New Earth where the Lion and the Lamb lay down together in Peace and Love. The Great AwakeningThe Path to LiberationI am Barbara Sawicki - Spiritual Seeker, Teacher, Mentor, Intuit and Guide For many years, it has been my profound privilege to personally counsel many through difficult circumstances in their lives. I have worked with those dealing with personal problems, family problems, relationship problems, health problems, business problems and questions of faith. I came to earth with an intuitive ability that helps others identify feelings and emotions. I have the ability to journey deep into the unconscious with others and to "witness" and help name their process. The ability to name our process is the first step in our healing.
Today, we are walking through unprecedented times that are bringing up many emotions: Grief, Anger, Despair, Depression, Confusion, Mistrust, and most of all FEAR This is an opportunity to no longer deny, hide, resist or become enmeshed with our emotions/core wounding. We will re-parent those parts that have been stuck or frozen and offer them the love and comfort that they never received. After studying with enlightened teacher, Leslie Temple Thurston for over 20 years and becoming a teacher myself for the past 10 years , I have been blessed to mentor many students through the years. Some of the most helpful tools for uncovering unconscious beliefs that are held in the body are Focusing and Frozen Child(ren) Technique. As a contribution to these times, I would like to gift my one on one counseling services at $60 per hour instead of the regular rate of $125 per hour, for the next 3 months. As a recognition that this may put a hardship on some at this difficult time, I am also offering a sliding scale, depending on what you can comfortably pay. Some say this time is a great opportunity, some say this time is frightening and confusing. The corona virus is bringing up both personal and collective fear as well as many opportunities and gifts. We need community and each other more than ever right now to navigate through these times. "May this time of self-quarantine be used to face each feeling as a way of deepening your relationship with Source by offering comfort, care, and compassion to the most displaced and shut down parts within you that cry out for love." ~Matt Kahn~ Please join me as we create a Sacred and Safe space together. Let's journey into the physical body and offer a gentle invitation to all those emotions and core woundings yearning to be heard. I am here for you and with you. We will walk through this together in a loving and safe environment. I invite you to visit my website for more information and details. P.S. If you know anyone (friends, family, colleagues) who are also feeling challenged right now, please feel free to share this message with them. Please contact me at 530-215-3903 or email me at [email protected] CALLING ALL ANGELS A Guided Meditation With Barbara Sawicki Sunday December 29, 2019 11am-12pm US Pacific Time "Barbara has been the primary teacher/mentor for CoreLight's Spiritual Warrior Training program for many years. She has masterfully helped us to anchor the organization through a massive transition time. Now we feel tremendously blessed that she is teaching in other ways through CoreLight. Her radiant heart, wisdom and compassion are a true gift for all to receive." -- Leslie Temple-Thurston and Brad Laughlin Calling All Angels to participate in this year-end guided meditation
As the old world continues to crumble, we are being invited to co-create a New Earth. We are no longer focused only on our own individual needs but rather looking at what is best for ALL who inhabit this exquisite planet and most especially for the well-being of our Mother Earth. We must take responsibility for contributing to her destruction, and we are being asked to now take responsibility for her resurrection. As we enter into this new paradigm of 2020, it is time for those of us who are feeling called, to come together and consciously plant the seeds for our new beginnings. It is now time to rise above the fray. We have done our due diligence and cleared massive amounts of shadow over the last several decades in preparation for this 2020 doorway! We have been building our light as we have cleared more and more of our shadow. We are ready now to make a bid for power through the Power of One. WE are the ONES we have been waiting for! Barbara will lead us in a guided meditation to bring our past and future into the Present Moment. We will call on the angelic aspects of ourselves and, with conscious intention, begin to sow the seeds of a new Earth together. For a taste of what's yet to come please listen here. These are such exciting times. Even as the old world continues to dissolve, we are beginning to rise from the ashes, like the Phoenix. Just like we did in the beginning of our evolution on Earth, we now consciously get to co-create Heaven on Earth. This time we have all of the knowledge of thousands of years of pain and suffering helping us to be clear about what is wanting and not wanting in this co-creation of a New Earth. Let's come together and imagine/vision a New Earth! This guided meditation is dedicated to our beloved teacher and guide, Leslie Temple-Thurston. It is FREE. Although Love offerings to CoreLight are welcome. Call in details:
If you are unable to join us or would like to re-listen, the call will be recorded and available at the same link as the webcast. Are you wanting to find inner peace? Are you tired of the “critical voices” warring in your head? Are you wanting to find balance between polarized states of consciousness…to be neither attracted nor repulsed by either polarity? That is the way to ascension. During a recent meditation, after processing Tyrant/Victim with a group of CoreLight members, I felt a sense of panic rise up within me. As I sat with the panic, I could feel a sense of peace move through. I became present with both panic and peace. I then saw an image of a white pathway extending out before me with panic on one side and peace on the other side. As I walked the narrow white pathway above and between both sides of the polarities, I saw white billowing sails extend out from and below each side of the pathway. As I stayed on the path Witnessing both sides, I was told that these sails were angel wings holding both sides of these and all polarized states of consciousness. I heard, “be neither attracted nor repulsed by either side, walk the Middle Way.” Do you find yourself flip-flopping between positive and negative states of consciousness? Do you try to avoid negative states and cling to positive states? Are you struggling with worry and doubt? Are you being challenged with unresolved issues and or limiting beliefs? Are you feeling stuck in the same old rut? Do you struggle with depression, feelings of not good enough and unworthiness? Are you wanting inner peace? As the song lyric says, “Learning to Love Yourself is the Greatest Gift of All” written by Michael Masser and Linda Creed Many of us internalized the voices of our mothers, fathers or other adults when we were growing up and now we hear their voices as our own inner voice(s). We may continue to judge and criticize ourselves the way our parents or authority figures judged and criticized us when we were growing up. Many of those parts of us that were deeply wounded back then went into hiding and show up/act out now as unexpected anger or sadness or overwhelm (to name a few negative emotions) when they are triggered. Let’s work together to get in touch with those parts (conscious or unconscious) that struggle or suffer from unresolved core wounding. Let me help you learn how to “re-parent” those frozen, unwanted, unloved parts that have gone into hiding, without having to “fix” or “change” them. Let’s welcome them home together in a safe, gentle and unconditionally loving sacred space. Feel yourself being held without judgement or criticism, rather with compassion and greater understanding. Learn how to bond with your own inner Mother/Higher Self so that you can FEEL and know the Mother’s unconditional love as she/you hold these wounded parts in her/your loving arms. As we heal and begin to love ourselves more and more, we are then able to step onto the path of the Middle Way, strengthening the Neutral Witness and becoming the inner Mother/Higher Self we have been yearning for so long. Valentine’s Day special - 4 sessions for the price of 3 = $375 (savings of $125) or 3 sessions @ $100 each = $300 (savings of $75) Total amount due at booking. Looking forward to being with you in an unconditionally loving way…Barbara Copyright (c) 2019 Barbara Sawicki * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice. As we approach this New Year, we are being asked to take some quiet time and do some inner reflection. Are we being kind to others despite feeling overwhelmed with all that is happening in the world? So many of us are so busy, our “to do” lists seem never ending… during this busy holiday season we are being asked to take time and be kind to one another, to pay it forward, but do we treat ourselves the way we treat others?
In the Northern hemisphere we are moving into the winter months, a time of dormancy, a time of quiet inner reflection. This can prove very challenging for those of us who are type A personalities or for those who were taught from a young age that “idle hands are the devil’s workshop”. Many of us were told that we must have something tangible to show for our time. We were only ever able to be “still” if we were sick. Because so many of us were raised with judgement and criticism, we have internalized those adult voices and they have become a predominant part of our own internal dialogue. So much so that we aren’t even consciously aware of how we speak to ourselves. We would NEVER speak to another the way we speak to ourselves. We berate ourselves and belittle ourselves. We are constantly judging our own behavior and letting ourselves know how “bad”/” terrible”/” wrong” we are. We become filled with shame and self-loathing. Now, of course we judge and criticize others too, but not anywhere near as harshly as we judge ourselves. When I was growing up my own inner guidance let me know that if I were to only learn one lesson in this lifetime it would be The Golden Rule. We all know The Golden Rule: “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. In other words, treat people the way you wish to be treated. In my opinion, there is a part that is still missing and that is: “treat yourself the way you wish others would treat you”. Kindness begins INSIDE! It’s an inside job! This is where compassion and caring really take root. We can only find PEACE within, and if we are at war with ourselves, and treating ourselves unkindly, we will never find the peace that we are seeking. So, as the song goes, “Let there be Peace on Earth and let it begin with me” is the mantra for 2019! This is my prayer for each of us and for the World this coming New Year! May we each find the inner peace that we have been seeking and may it then be reflected throughout the World. Many Blessings to ALL! May each of our Hearts open fully in unconditional LOVE! |